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Errors Importing TXT File into Cyclone

Errors Importing .TXT File into Cyclone

If you have errors importing a TXT file into Cyclone it may be because the file is too large. The limit for TXT files is about 1.75GB once the size is over 1.75 it is recommended to use eithe r a PTX or PTS file. This article demonstrates how to change your TXT file into a PTS file.

Step 1: Open your .TXT file in Notepad++

Step 2: Observe the total number of rows in the .TXT file

Step 3: Place this number in the first row

Step 4: Type CTRL+F to find and replace the commas "," with a space " "

Step 5: Go to File>Save As. Change the extension of the file to .PTS

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  1. Olivia Floyd

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