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This information applies for importing leveling data from Trimble Data Exchange Format, Leica GSI or Trimble Dini files: When collecting leveling data using an electronic level, for best results a nam...
*Note To our current knowledge, only line leveling methods 1 & 2 are supported for import. This article will walk users through the process of using the STAR*DNA converter to import their Leica LS15 d...
Leica DNA automatic levels store their data in gsi files. The STAR*DNA converter can be used to convert these files to STAR*NET dat format files. It is possible to store erroneous or incomplete data i...
Instructions for importing GSI 1 Data from a Sprinter Level: Thanks to Chris Wellings at Spencer Homes Limited in New Zealand for sharing this information with us: Notes: This process requires that yo...
The StarDNA converter can read double run leveliing data. In a double run leveling loop the sequence is: observe BS and FS 1 and 2 re-setup Observe BS and FS 2 and 1 move on to the next stage The STA...
This error can appear when attempting to convert a gsi file using a Leica DNA convertor. There are two possible causes of this issue: 1. The level loop consists of a single backsight and foresight t...
Leica DNA automatic levels store their data in gsi files. The STAR*DNA convertor can be used to convert these files to STAR*NET dat format files. It is possible to store erroneous or incomplete data ...
When the STAR*DNA convertor tries to read a record in the GSI file that it has trouble interpretting you can get a number of error messages, depending on the context. We are aware of two possible scen...
Leica DNA automatic levels store their data in gsi files. The STAR*DNA convertor can be used to convert these files to STAR*NET dat format files. It is possible to store erroneous or incomplete data ...